Who is a Late bloomer?

Generally, in the olden days, the term Late bloomer is used for those, whose physical development is slow compared to peers. But, nowadays, the term late-bloomer is mostly used to describe/suppose, who are realising their skills, and potential at a later stage and become successful beyond their late 30s.

Who is a Late-bloomer? in my words

Late bloomers are Real achievers without superpowers and extra-ordinary abilities, but experiences certain things in life accidentally and realize, they are hares, losing to tortoises throughout their life and begins inquiry into many things, gains knowledge, wisdom, finds purpose, direction, and becomes unstoppable.

– Ramesh

Wake up hares, time to champion the Race is one of my favorite posts, which describes, who is a late bloomer, and how he is able to achieve success. I have summarized, who all can become late bloomers and how you can replicate the same success.

A few things, late bloomers have to be careful of are:

  • We have already lost time, when compared to peers who were successful in their 20’s, which for sure disappoints us
    • Even now, many consider life is only up to their 60s and they start relaxing, and doesn’t show interest to become successful at later stage, even though they have the chance.
    • After 40s, we can have very active life up to 70s and decent life up to 80s and beyond, by practicing bit discipline in mental and physical health.
      • So, reaching 40 is not a finish line, we have rest 40 years, which is huge. we are just 5 – 10 years late compared to peers, who are successful in their 20’s.

Other than sustaining our physical body, we should invest all our energy in to building/creating something of our interest.

– Ramesh

If you are in a Job, invest enough energy to sustain your job and invest all the rest of your energy, to build something of your interest.

  • Patience: You have to be patient and start working on your intersts. It takes time, but i promise, in an year, you will make considerable progress and in a 3-5 years, you will be having something solid, which you have built.
  • In the above process, you will become knowledgable, relevant, skilled, expert at anything you are building and you might be generating solid income.
    • That can be a blog, book, e-commerce site, business, turorials, digital marketing, investment expert, social media handler, so on and so forth. They is no limiation and you can develop any skill and in a 3 – 5 years, based on the time you are investing, you will become an expert.

Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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