Try this easiest way to finish, the most difficult tasks

Try this easiest way to finish the most difficult and challenging tasks. Let’s see how?

What is the most difficult part of completing any task?

Be it as simple as an evening walk, reading a book, preparing lunch or it can be a difficult task like completing a Project, preparing a mind map for your new business, etc., which demands your total energy and attention.

All you need to do is…… “To START, bcoz that’s the most difficult part of any Task.

Great illustration from HRDIARY. Photo credit –

Breakdown the Magnanimous Task to sub-tasks

Whenever I come across challenging tasks, I don’t sit scared, seeing the size of the effort it requires. I just start it and break down the task into sub-tasks.

I see many people, when they decide to hit the gym, they go for shopping to purchase all the outfits required for that, if they want to start running, they start buying shoes, for tennis, they buy the racquets, etc. and they start too aggressively, that they won’t continue more than a month.

It doesn’t work like that.

Go to the gym, with your current attire, play with an old racquet or with friends one, use your old shoes and start slow, if you can do that for a month or so, then go and buy all the stuff. There is a very high chance, you won’t quit after that.

All the above things, start due to motivation, you have received at a particular time and as motivation fades off, you find it difficult to carry on those tasks.

But, here we are discussing a different kind of Task, which is almost mandatory to do and we are just procrastinating starting it, because of the heaviness of the task.

I know many, including me, who went to the theatre to watch a movie just before exam day, as we can’t handle soo much of the pressure that builds up in one-day-batting.

So, we need to start well in advance and take the pen & paper to write down the key milestones and sub-tasks of the main task.

Pictorial representation of the Main Task

It is the only way to see the complete task in a single picture and it gives a fair idea of where to start, what to do, and where we need to acquire the additional information.

Having flow charts is the best way to understand the whole project and it serves as a reference in the future as well. I have been using an application called simple mind for the last 5-6 years, which is very useful.

Don't worry, if it is not going as per your plan, until you are making a progress. Plan is a way to analyse our strengths and weakness. when we are in real battle, we adapt to the situations for a better output, similarly, we need to have a plan to start and guide, it's ok to deviate here and there.

Work on individual sub-tasks

Once you have listed sub-tasks. It is easy to work on them, as they are small and are more meaningful. As you progress, you feel it easy and you will start believing you can do it, and it is easier than you thought.

You even get engrossed in it and feel interested as you progress. I felt the same, during many difficult tasks and I felt great satisfaction after completing those projects.

Set milestones

Always have deadlines for sub-tasks and main tasks, which serves as a motivation to finish in time. Write it on board or stick it on your desk.

Start with easiest sub-task

Always start with the easiest part, it gets you into the task and gives a motivation, when you can complete it.

Refer the main task now & then

Always refer to the main task or project flow chart, to check are you on the path or deviating from it.

Always think, what do i loose, if i can't complete, there is nothing to loose, so just start it, don't have any pressure, enjoy the process, you can finish any task.

Enjoy the Process:

How great the Goal or Project can be, we have to move on, once we achieve that, so enjoy the process, it is where you spend most of the time.

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Your feedback/comment, motivates me, Thanks.

Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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