Of all bad things in the world, being good is worst!

Of all the bad things in the world, being good is the worst, let’s see how?

When you are too good, people consider that as your weakness, your inefficiency, they are trained for generations to think that powerful people dominate and are not nice.

People start chanting your goodness and draw a line, between what you can do and what you should not. You should behave as per their expectations, which grows on continuously and you will be completely sucked in a very short time and the same people comment on your goodness as weakness.

I like this story very much… Just do, what you want or have to do. photo credit: pitribe.com

If you want to be like Ram, then be prepared to go to Forest, when your dad commands. Be ready to leave your wife in forest, when somebody comments. If you listen to people, they will make you a puppet, which acts as per their wishes.

Be ready to live a life full of boredom and monotony, as someone decides your every action.

You can’t even dare to think, out of the standard practices, which were approved by the society.

Until you don’t harm others, believe in yourself, be selfish and evolve continuously.

Never be too good to anyone.

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Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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