My secret tip for a consistent & amazing Workout

Here we go for my secret tips for a consistent & amazing workout……

I am writing this, with lots of personal experience and success, nothing is a theory, so it works for everyone. I recommend reading the post again and again, and I promise, that you perceive new dimensions and depth in the knowledge, on every visit.

Even though, I had a habit of doing workouts, now and then in the past, since I have started properly, with tracking and proper routine, it is 3.8 years, with 700 days of workouts done in 1389 days, which is 50.4%. From making it a habit to where I reached a hit rate of 80% dropped to 20% and regained back to 50.4%. Looking at this %, you might be doubting, but believe me, I have done this in one of the most challenging professions, where literally ‘2’ weeks in a month, will not be in your control and every day, start and end can’t be predicted and in very challenging times. I am gearing up to reach a hit rate of 80% and I am sure, many of you can do, a lot better than me.

Fine, everyone wants to have a great physique, don’t we? and must have started doing some kind of workout, at many points in our lives and stopped for various reasons. Got fed up with starting and quitting, again and again, and finally would have given up on that thought itself.

I promise, there are ways and tips, to keep you going for a consistent and amazing workout.

Try my tips, which kept me going and will help you keep going, until it becomes a part of your lifestyle.

Hey, to save you time, If you just want to know the secrets, but don’t want to practice, go for the sub-headings. But, if you are here to know, what is stopping you from making the workout a habit, read the complete blog, and read it multiple times over a period, and don’t forget to post your progress in the comments.

Without further delay, Let’s start…

The workout you start should be so simple, that it should not require any specific tools and it must be flexible enough to be done anywhere and at any time.

The best ones are full-body workouts like Push-ups, Pull-ups, Skips, and Sit-ups. They can be done at the comfort of your room, hotel, or anywhere and work on your body’s core, rather than specific muscles.

Initially start doing it for 5 – 10 minutes only, up to a month, and increase that to a max of 30 – 40 minutes, from there increase the hardness and reps, but don’t increase the total time of the workout, which is important. 30 – 40 minutes is more than enough, while you are doing it consistently.

With just 30 minutes of workout, I got in to INDIA BOOK of RECORDS for Max skips in 5 Minutes, and I can do, 210 skips in 60 seconds, and the second may not be a record, but I do 1400 skips in just 9 minutes, which is great endurance. Similarly, I have very good timing in speed running on a treadmill, several squats, and push-ups as well. I am telling you this, because, 30 minutes is too good when you are consistent.

  1. We beat around the bush and focus on supporting things, rather than the core. If we want to start a workout, we will start looking for the best GYM or Ground or Dumbells, bars and some go to the extent of buying thread mill and massive equipment. Some don’t stop with these and start shopping for comfortable attire, post in community groups for companions, enquire about GYM packages, and so on, and many of us, are so confident, that we will pay for a year – membership, did we all have experienced this, right?.
  2. Motivation fades off easily: Initial motivation, which is drawn from a movie or a colleague or any of its kind, fades easily and our energy levels plummet in a week or two. Due to initial high energy levels, we over-exert ourselves, and a small break after a week for any reason is enough to collapse your workout goal because the amount of workouts you have done will frighten you and your body pains have already started and that is the end. So, we should start very simple so that it can be done even in our weakest moments.
  3. Avoid Rushing: Don’t rush the things. As said, it is a journey to get in shape, not a sprint. Forget about results in a week, month, and so on, just do consistently and you and everyone will notice when the time comes.

Here we need to remember, that our day routine is filled with those, that are needed for that time or for that day. Many of us, don’t even care to bathe or brush if we are not going to the office that day. So, we do it for the society, we live in. So, incorporating something like a workout, which by not doing, none will punish you, is a difficult one and you should be very clear on its motive and should keep that as simple as possible, in a way that you can do daily, with ease.

We should have a just-do-it mindset, without thinking, to incorporate into our routine, no matter what we are going through, our time, our mood, and so on.

Why do you want to do the workout? Is it for health, fitness, or any competition? If you are preparing for any competition, that is a completely different story, where you need a trainer, equipment, special nutrition, diet, and an enormous amount of effort, then this is not for you, but if you are looking at the workout as a habit and for a healthy and fit lifestyle, then these tips are for you.

Most of us come into the second category, where we want a healthy and fit lifestyle, with minimal effort. This we should always keep in mind, so that, we don’t overboard in the course of time, which leads to the halt of the routine.

As humans, we are prone to overestimating ourselves. We assume, a hit rate of 80%, while actually, we are at 30-40%. So, maintaining a log, keeps you well aware of that and you can always find ways to reach your desired level of workout consistency.

To keep the motivation going, we should continuously challenge ourselves. This can done in many ways.

  • One is to increase the amount of workouts you do. Ex: 100 to 120 Push-ups
  • The second is to reduce the time for the same workout. Ex: 100 skips from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.
  • Increase the hardness. Ex: Increasing the inclination of the thread mill, Two-hand push-ups to one hand and from one hand to fingers, and finally one-finger push-ups and doing them more, you will be a legend Bruce Lee by then.
Hey, the App you see above, is coded by me using Python on Replit. I use coding as an escape from routine, during weekends.

This is my favorite tip. Whenever my body gives me reasons, for not doing it, I say to it, ok, I will just do a little workout and stop. But, once you start doing it, your body warms up and your lethargy fades off and you complete your routine. This worked me 100 out of 100 times and is a great tip.

In addition to that, you can pick the easiest of your workout to do at that moment, when your body gives reasons. I generally pick up skips, which are easier for me than the treadmill, push-ups, and squats.

This is one such thing, which is neglected, but too important. Even though you have plenty of time, your body is feeling good, you can’t go for a workout, until you have a calm and peaceful mind.

So, be away from the nuisance, just forgive anyone or ignore anything, that disturbs you.

These are my secret tips for a consistent and amazing workout.

To sum-up, start simple, have a clear objective/goal, maintain a log and set the targets to motivate yourself, keep your calm and never listen to the reasons your body gives. I had amazing results, doing it consistently and you will have too.

“Wish you a Happy Journey for a healthy and confident life”

– Ramesh

Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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