How to Enjoy the Journey and Celebrate the Success

We all work hard to achieve Success, Money, Status, and so on. Do we enjoy the process of achieving it? or we just wait for success to come, to feel happy.

Do you know, it takes 1440 hrs(2 months) to reach the top of Mt.Everest, where we may stay for 1-2 hours, which is 1/1000th of the time we spent reaching there.

inspired from puri podcast – film director

Consciously enjoy the journey and be happy in the moment

We need to consciously remind ourselves, that neither Success nor failure is permanent, “only the Journey is”.

Make a note, a reminder of it, where you can see it daily. Else we get derailed easily and follow the majority, who are just running to achieve something and the most important thing here is:

  • We will not be as happy as we thought it would be, when we achieve that.
  • We take it granted, immediately with in hours or days based on the level of tangible or intagible success we achieved.
  • Pity is, we want something more immediately after achieving the goal, becasuse there are always someone above us, better than us, in onething or other.
    • Ex: If you are statying in a small house and are working hard to get a Triple Bed Room Flat, it may take 4-5 years, to get it and once you are in to it, with in a week, many wants to have an even bigger house, because someone is having. We forget all that it took to reach here, all the dreams you had in this house, when you are in small house. “We Just forget the past, and want more”, when you are continously running after your wants, you become tired, dis-satisfied, frustated and quality of your life is very disturbed, and you don’t even realise the reason.

Remember, all great people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and so on are not passionate about money, they are passionate about their work, former loves to code and later strives to create a multi-planetary habitat, for the same, they go to any levels and they are happy during their journey and of course, they celebrate the success.

Enjoy the Journey and Celebrate the Success.

late bloomer

So, we need to always remember, that the time we spend on success is 0.0001% and the rest is a journey. If you work hard to crack the civils and become an IAS officer, your celebration lasts some months at the most, and after that, you are into the Job, that’s it. You got the 1st rank in SSC, you will celebrate for a day, and everyone forgets about that later, you have to move on to your next journey. You got promoted, you take it for granted and you want immediately next promotion, this gets even worse, when someone, whom we know gets that promotion. We don’t know, his sacrifices, and hard work and we start feeling sad about our fortune and forget about what we have.

List out the things, which make you happy:

  • Eating Delicious food: You can’t have it continously, it will spoil your health. That too, you can’t have it in your old age.
  • Exploring the world: It has to be done, when you are in good shape at least below 60’s. Obviously not after the retirement.
  • Join in the sports club: Except poker and some indoor, you can’t play any, after your 60’s, that too, if you have spoiled your health, running after money, then forget about it.

You name anything, if you are a foodie and ate some delicious food, you have to wait for at least the next 5-6 hours, for it to digest, before taking another.

You need to keep in mind, that if you are running after money, you would be extremely exhausted physically and mentally. Your health would be poor, your relations will be weak, and most importantly, you would not be in a position to enjoy the wealth you have earned.

-late bloomer
Most importantly, don't compare with anyone. "No one is equal, everyone is unique"

Don’t get confused with being happy or enjoying the moment with satisfaction.

  • Being happy is that you are enjoying what you have, you are enjoying the work in progress. But, if you are satisfied with what you have, you can’t move forward, you can’t reach next levels, your growth will be stunted, but still you will be happy, until you don’t compare with others reaching the better positions, earning more money, if you don’t mind, some junior being your supervisor. So, if you are clear on this, and have great clarity with what you have and you are still satified, you will be happy forever, of course your family must be aligned with that.

Celebrate the Success

Celebrating Success is very important and I strongly believe, there is nothing to celebrate your birthday, festivals or so, which are not even relevant now, you don’t have any contribution in that and you can’t own them.

Celebrate your success, it gives motivation, it relieves the stress, it gives a sense of satisfaction, it has a strong reason to celebrate, you can really celebrate, as your contribution towards the success will give you immense satisfaction and a joyful day, with great memories.


I strongly believe, there won’t be more than a handful of people, whom you can celebrate, who really want you to succeed, who really feel happy about your success. Don’t go by the traditional set of people, you ask yourself, it can only be 1 or 2, still it is very much worth.

No one wants others to succeed, no one will be really happy with your success, so, don’t boast a party to show off. The celebration should be with very dear ones, who really care about you.

I don't believe in God, but I believe in negative energy, so boasting about your success in front of unwanted guests, will make you sick, Be aware!
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Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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