Do you know what is Life? and how to achieve it

Do you know what is Life? and how to achieve it

What is life, is different for everyone
Picture credits from hansindia and time

When you ask Baba’s about God, everyone says it differently, like he is within, he is universal, he who takes care of everything, and he who knows everything, formless, 10 hands, it is an endless answer.

Similarly, when you ask those Baba’s, what is life, the same thing repeats, answers are endless. Some say it is a wine, enjoy it, for others, it is a song, sing it, for some, no life is without a purpose, find it. You can never find the purpose, how hard you search, you get even more confused.

“Don’t dig the Anantha (infinite), and dont’ mess with Paramartha (universal truth)”.

lines are drawn from puris podcast.

– puri jagannath, film director

As there were infinite ways to define GOD. Definition of LIFE is different for everyone and It depends on their micro and macro environment, how they are brought up, their social circle, genetical composition, their knowledge level and so on.

Don’t worry, I will tell you, what is life in a simple way, which is applicable to all.

Answer these simple questions:

  • Are you earning enough for food, shelter, and clothing?
  • Do you have at least ‘4’ people, to share your happiness and support you in your lows? It can be your wife, friends, family, or anyone.
  • Are you saving enough, to care for your old age?
  • Are you evolving continuously to keep up with the growing world?
  • Are you focusing on your health and fitness?
  • Are you spending enough time with your family?
  • Are you doing self-talk once a week, at least for 10 minutes?

If your answer to the above questions is YES, then you are already in a good direction, follow me, en route.

Work on something other than your regular job, it can be practicing music, dance, learning a new course of interest, painting, blogging, running your channel on youtube, writing a book, doing a project of your interest, etc.

Do anything of your interest, and if you link that for a monitor benefit down the line over 2-3 or after 5 years, it gives you motivation. Remember, anything you practice for a year or two, you will have a good grip and within a span of 5 years, you will become an expert and that can generate an additional income at your comfort.

It takes 5 years for a tree to give fruits, but once it starts, it gives for lifetime. Similarly, we need to put our efforts and wait.

– latebloomer

I do workouts, thinking the benefits i get from it, remembering the compliments i get for that, it is never a pleasure to do workout day in and day out, it is pure will power and discipline.

Similarly, i don’t feel pleasure going to work, but when i go, i work with 100% dedication.

– latebloomer

I mean to say, don’t get confused, if you don’t feel pleasure, while you are doing something, which you think is your passion, it’s is natural, no one will. One should see the fruits and start planting a seed and nourishing it.

All the sports superstars, don’t feel pleasure while they spend hundreds of hours practicing, they get pleasure, only while they perform on the bigger stage, while they win, while they are competing at a higher level, that’s it.

So, now you have a hobby, that can yield you and make you relieve from the regular work stress.

Spend 1 or 2 days in a month outside the house, it can be shopping, movie or visiting any new place.

Travel to new places, try the same, without a guide once in a year and make that to once in 6 months. I guarantee you, nothing can refresh you more than a new place and new knowledge, you will be a better person, after every travel.

Finally, don’t be greedy, work at your pace.

To be simple, if you can do all these simple things, you can be happy and your life will be full of memories.

Life is nothing but memories, have more of them

– latebloomer

If you are a late bloomer and need a way to success, go through this post, you make like it: Wake up hares, time to champion the race

Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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