Surprise your Alpha kids with Among us – Tips & Tricks

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Surprise your kids with Among us – Tips & Tricks

I will be giving you, some of the tips and tricks, which I use to have an edge over the other players.

Tip 1:

Find ‘2’ crewmates in room with tasks – Kill one – close the door – give the task in that room – escape through vent – come back – trap the 2nd crewmate:

image credit from gleekfare

For this trick, we need to choose rooms, where the imposter can assign tasks. In such rooms, he has to look for time, where ‘2’ crewmates are there, and he has to rush there and kill one, and immediately he has close the door, assign the task to crewmates in that room and escape through the vent and he should join with rest of crewmates to visit that room. When other crewmates visit the room, they find the body and the crewmate next to it, which is compelling evidence to assume he is the Imposter, a trap created by you. This is one great tip, for playing the game.

Ex: This trick can be used in Electrical, Navigation, Communications, and Reactor rooms

Tip 2:

Close the door & create confusion:

This trick doesn’t require any special rooms and can be done in any room with a door. All you have to do is, find a group of crewmates in a room and close the door from outside, which immediately creates confusion among the crewmates locked in a room. They start doubting others as Imposter and there is a high chance to call for an emergency and vote for a crewmate as Imposter.

Tip 3:

Find the Fake task and imposter:

image credit from leveldash

If you ever see any crewmate in the weapons room, doing the task, but if you can’t see the firing as shown in the picture above, then he is faking the task and he must be an Imposter. This is one cool way to find the Imposter.

Tip 4:

Garbage can dump Imposter:

image credit from leveldash

If someone in the storage room, is doing the task of dumping the garbage, but if you can’t see any garbage dumped out of the spaceship, as shown in the above picture. Congratulations, you have caught the Imposter.

Faking tasks can be injurious to health and deadly too.

Tip 5:

Jumping to uploading task in Admin, immediately after starting the game:

If any player jumps into uploading the tasks in the Admin area, within seconds of starting the game. You can confidently say, RIP to that Imposter.

I hope, these ‘3’ posts were helpful in understanding this new age sensation Among-us, better. If you have missed my previous posts on Among-Us, please refer to these links – Among-Us 1st part & Among-Us 2nd part

….The End….

…..Coming soon with one more interesting post on “Bed Wars”

Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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