Surprise your Alpha kids with a new game, Among us – Maps & Locations

Surprise your alpha kids with a new game, Among us – Maps & Locations

Hi everyone, you must have gone through my first post on how to play Among us by this time. In this post, I will take you through the Maps and the key locations in the maps, which will give you the flavor of how and what could be the key tasks you need to complete.


POLUS Map. Image credit from reddit

Polus Map:

Polus is a distance planet form earth and here is the list of all the locations, which you can find on the Polus map, and the name of the location itself gives you an idea, of what tasks you might have to do.

  • Security
  • Electrical
  • Storage
  • Laboratory
  • O2 Chamber
  • Communications
  • Office
  • Special man room
  • Weapons
  • Admin


MIRA is like a skyscraper and here is the map of it.

MIRA HQ map. Image credit Reddit

Here is the list of locations:

  • Green house
  • Office
  • Admin
  • Reactor
  • Laboratory
  • Decontamination
  • Launch pad
  • Locker room
  • Communications
  • Storage
  • Cafeteria
  • Med-Bay
  • Balcony


AIRSHIP looks like an airplane without wings, its ballon shaped and much lighter than the aircraft. This is the one, which has more locations than any other map.

AIRSHIP map. Credit from fandom-amongus

Here is the list of locations in AIRSHIP:

  • Meeting room
  • Vault
  • Brig
  • Gap room
  • Records
  • Lounge
  • Cockpit
  • Communications
  • Engine room
  • Main hall
  • Showers
  • Cargo bay
  • Armory
  • Kitchen
  • Security
  • Electrical
  • Medical
  • Viewing deck


SKELD is a spaceship and here are its locations.

SKELD map. Image credit gamertweak

Here is the list of locations on SKELD

  • Upper engine
  • Cafeteria
  • Weapons
  • Reactor
  • Security
  • Med-bay
  • O2 Chamber
  • Navigation
  • Lower engine
  • Electrical
  • Storage
  • Communications
  • Shields
  • Admin

Now, we have known, what is Among us, how to play it, and all the maps and locations. Now its time to learn some tips & tricks straight from the new generation of Alpha kid.

Find out the Tips & Tricks to have an edge among others.

Ramesh babu

To enable people to bloom, irrespective of age. For the betterment of the individual and Society at large.

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2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    nice blog

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