Hello late bloomers

About me

I was a bright child, who was sharp, strong, and just better. These advantages made me a hare, which slept during the race with the tortoise. The education system we have, and not being surrounded by people, whom I can look up to, growing up. No guiding post, none to share superior wisdom, hare in me slept for 30 years.

Due to certain awakening incidents, I started an inquiry in my late 20s into possibly everything and realized, I was far behind the competition and started building my professional, and personal career, realized I was a Late bloomer

I started reading Wikipedia on exciting topics and later moved into Books related to Spirituality, Space, Biographies, World History, Professional courses, Great books for efficient work and personal life, etc. At the same time, I followed gurus, and philosophers from diverse backgrounds, time periods dating back to Socrates, and Plato to current generation Sadhguru, Ramuism, Puri’s Podcasts, and the latest is Mahatria Infinitheism.

I started picking up the bits & pieces of philosophy & knowledge, which suit me and which can help me to understand myself and life in this world. I got disciplined, calm, productive, and confident, and most importantly I am happy with myself.

The pursuit of truth is not important. The pursuit of that truth is important which helps you in reaching your goal, provided if you have one.


I started exploring my interests, and passion and I found, that working on a creative project and being on my own terms gives me motivation and pleasure.

With a deep dive, I found I love coding, traveling, wildlife, exploring new places, and cultures & helping people to find their passion, and becoming the better version of themselves.

I would love to share some of my life-changing experiences, and key insights, which will give you that 1 degree of change you need, to lead you into a more meaningful, successful life and be your better version every day.



late bloomers